Monday, December 8, 2008

Home-made Daybeds

If you need to have the kind of room that can be functional more than just a dressing, why not construct a daybed? Daybed is the ideal option for a small room because they will only need a little space.

1. On a chosen wall, center a sturdy prebuilt bed frame.
2. Put down a twin mattress on the frame top.
3. To make it stylish and creatively designed, accessorize it with a colorful and bed skirt, comforter, and pillows that will match together.
4. You can make use of the unfinished base cabinets in making end tables.
5. Provide a finished look by adding a plywood plank to the top of the cabinet.
6. Add the base molding across the bottom.

You may choose to paint using the same base color as the walls and dry brushed in black. These components which act as the “arms” of the daybed will identify its boundaries and give extra storage space for your room.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing design!! Check out the wide range of Daybeds from