Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Do-It-Yourself File Cabinet

File cabinets are costly. So to save many, here are some steps that you need to follow to make your own file cabinet. You can organize tow things that you can buy from your local furniture discount store.

1. Sort out your mess of papers to identify how much room you need to store essential things. You shred and discard other papers that are not needed.
2. Go to your discount store or a fancy store. Buy the plastic milk crates and the hanging file folders with tabs.
3. Take out the hanging files folders and put them next to your sorted out papers. Pick of a stack of papers and organize them in separate hanging folders by subject. In the file folders, fill the tabs with accurate subject.
4. Place the hanging folder in the milk crate. This will perfectly suit on your papers and you can slide folders back and forth to find your documents easily.

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